
Article updated on 21/08/2023
Table of Contents

What is manicure?

The manicure is the set of treatments and care needed to have healthy and beautiful hands. A good manicure - the evolution of manus (hand) and curare (care, cure) - includes beautifying and care techniques, both for hands and nails. The manicure is to the hands what the pedicure is to the feet, an affordable way to feel better and more beautiful quickly, and a perfect plan with or without friends, at home, in the spa, the health resort, the thalasso, the beauty salon or the hairdresser.

There are a lot of types of manicures for different times, finishes, and economies, but the four most important types of a manicure are:


Classic or basic manicure

The classic or basic manicure is the most simple manicure, the manicure of all life.

It includes cleaning the nails, removing (or not) the cuticle, filming, trimming and, if desired, applying a hardener, gloss, or colored polish on the nails once they have been cleaned.

You can do it comfortably and regularly at home if you have a good manicure kit that includes a quality file, nail clipper, and cuticle pusher.

The paint used in this manicure is the usual nail polish. The basic manicure more or less lasts a week, depending on how you treat your hands: your nails won't last the same if you work as a secretary and have a dishwasher at home as if you're a climber and do the dishes by hand (like me!).


Lathe or Russian manicure

The lathe manicure or Russian manicure is a classic manicure done with lathes and/or milling cutters

That is, instead of using traditional manicure tools (the file, nail clippers, cuticle pusher, etc.) you use a machine that looks like a large pen or a small remote control with different endings that sanitize and prepare your nails for painting. You can also do it at home if you have an electric manicure kit.

The paint of this manicure also lasts you approximately one week, depending on the care you take and what you do with your hands.


Semi-permanent manicure

The semi-permanent manicure is like the classic manicure but more durable and a bit more complex to do as it requires more time and, above all, a bit more infrastructure.

You can also do it comfortably at home, but you need a good manicure kit, a UV drying lamp, and semi-permanent nail polishes that you like.

The easiest and most economical if you want to get into the world of semi-permanent manicures is to get a semi-permanent manicure set or kit like this one or similar that includes a manicure set (file, nail clippers, cuticle pusher), a drying lamp, and the basic polishes. This manicure lasts between two and three weeks, even longer, although as we have said from the beginning, the duration of all manicures without exception depends on the activities performed by your hands.

The duration of the manicure depends on the activities performed by your hands.

If you've never had a semi-permanent manicure, in this article entitled How to do semi-permanent manicures and pedicures at home I tell you how to do it (and give you my tips, advice, and warnings because I love to do and do this manicure -to my mother, my sister, my grandmother, my friends...-).

I'll tell you how to do it (and give you my tips, advice, and warnings because I love to do this manicure -to my mother, my sister, my grandmother, my friends...-).

I started trying with a basic semi-permanent manicure kit and then I was adding tools, polishes, decorations, etc.

As I learned, I now have a super complete manicure kit! But my recommendation is that little by little, you start with something simple and, if you like it, you go adding elements.


Manicure with gel nails

The gel nail manicure is more or less like a semi-permanent manicure with false nails

It requires an abasic manicure (clean nails, cut, file), fixing or glue the post-nails to your own nails (which can be done with a drying machine the same or similar to that of the semi-permanent manicure), and painting these nails with special gel nail polishes.

You can do this manicure at home with a manicure kit with gel nails (with nails, base coat, colored polish, top coat, decorations, etc.) or buy the things separately (which is usually more expensive, but it is the right thing to do once you have your kit to add colors). In theory, the manicure with gel nails lasts a minimum of two weeks but can last much longer. It depends on the size of your nails and how you treat them.

The manicure with gel nails is one of the most colorful manicures there is and is usually characterized by showy nails, more or less long or shaped.

Gel nails are usually larger (that's why they are often false) and, for this reason, real works of art or nail art (with glitter or rhinestones, polish, glitter, etc.) are created on them.

Gel nails are often used for nail art (with glitter or rhinestones, enamels, glitter, etc.).

The top tier of gel nails is Rosalia, a singer who has gone so far as to spend a lot of time at the salon to show off great nails. If you want to have them as outlandish as she does, you'll have to rehearse a lot or find a good beautician!


Other types of 'manicure

This section is called 'other types of manicure' to understand us, but it should be called 'ways to paint the nails once the manicure is already done' and 'treatments that we can apply before and after the manicure to have healthier and more beautiful hands' because that is what we are going to talk about. 

Now that you know what a real manicure is and how it is done, we tell you what the most popular types of manicures are so that you can do them at home and know what they include when you order them at the spa, thalasso or spa. Let's get to it!


French manicure

We call French manicure to those nails with a natural base (pink, whitish, etc.) topped with a white border and covered with some kind of protector (gloss or matte).

It is very easy to find kits and polishes to do a normal French manicure, semi-permanent or gel nails.

Normally, when you hire a French manicure you get a manicure and they will paint your nails 'French style'.


American manicure

We call an American manicure a French manicure (nude base color and white border) that blurs the meeting between the base color of the nail and the white border.

This shade is usually achieved by applying an extra layer of base coat between the base and the white border and top coat, and the result is an elegant, natural and slightly more subtle manicure than the French manicure.

You can do it yourself using the same polishes you use for the French manicure.

Generally, when you order an American manicure you will get a manicure and have your nails painted 'American style'.


Italian manicure

We call Italian manicures the manicures that only paint a part of the edge of the nail, instead of the whole edge as we do in the French and American manicures.

In addition, the edge can be painted in any color (white, red, yellow, blue, or green...) obtaining an asymmetrical and striking effect.

The Italian manicure is perfect for long, natural or artificial nails with a pointed shape.

On small nails, it looks terrible. It can be done with any type of nail polish.

If you decide to get an Italian manicure (sometimes called a corner manicure or corner design manicure), you will have your nails manicured and painted 'Italian style'.


Cat's eyes manicure

We call manicure 'cat's eyes to any manicure that ends up applying a nail polish that makes the cat's eyes effect.

That is, it draws a kind of line or milky way on the base color applied to our nails.

This that at first glance sounds so galactic is very easy to do.

You only need a nail polish that allows it (not just any nail polish) and a special (but cheap) magnetized stick.

It is one of the simplest and most original manicures to do at home.

If you decide to do a 'cat eyes' manicure (or manicure with cat eyes effect), you will have a manicure and your nails will be painted with a gel that makes that magnetized effect. 


Full or spa manicure

We call a complete manicure or spa a manicure that, in addition to the manicure that is (basic, Russian, etc.) includes other health and/or beauty treatments for the hands.

These treatments can be very varied and may include massages, exfoliating, moisturizing, etc.

You will find them in beauty centers, and it is advisable to ask what they consist of and how much they cost to avoid surprises.

If you decide to have a full manicure or spa, you will have a manicure that includes a beauty or health treatment or both for your hands.


Kerosene manicure

A kerosene manicure is a manicure of any kind that includes a kerosene treatment beforehand.

This treatment usually consists of immersing the hands in a tub of warm kerosene for a while, taking them out, and massaging them.

The objective is to moisturize palms, fingers and, especially, nails. Once this bath with massage is done, the real manicure begins, which can be basic, Russian, semi-permanent or gel. The choice is yours.

If you want to do a kerosene manicure at home, get a kerosene heater (which can be valid for feet and hands, two for one again!) and some gloves to keep the extremities warm while the kerosene effect deepens.

Another option is to buy kerosene and heat it at home (in a pan that you no longer use for cooking, for example) and use plastic gloves (which can be new or clean ones from picking fruit or washing up) or cotton and plastic gloves (much more environmentally friendly as you can use them over and over again without affecting the effectiveness of the treatments or your personal hygiene). 


Bridal manicure

The bridal manicure exists and does not exist.

It exists because some places offer 'manicures for brides', but there is no specific treatment or ritual for brides-to-be.

It is a marketing strategy to sell manicures and usually more expensive than usual. That's why we recommend you avoid any product (manicure or whatever) 'for brides' and always trust your instinct or your usual beautician, especially on a day as important as your wedding. 

Now yes, it is true that many brides decide to have a manicure before getting married and, as it is such a special day, they take advantage and do something different and better than usual.

Therefore, many brides go for a manicure that includes a moisturizing treatment (kerosene, for example) or a spa manicure with some kind of massage; or opt for semi-permanent manicures or colorful gel nails.

But that's completely up to each one's taste. Your wedding, your nails, your rules. 
